Working Remotely – Short Guide

1. Logon to the laptop provided

  • You must ensure you login at least once while still in the office before taking it home

2. After connecting to your home wifi, double-click the grey Mobile VPN shortcut on the desktop:


3. Click the red Connect button


4. Enter your Windows login credentials and click OK


a) If the connection is successful you shall see Connection toggle turn green, and the client will minimize to the notification area Connection established. You are now connected.


b) When not connected it is RED:     When connected it is GREEN:


c) The VPN will stay connected until you disconnect it. To do so, right click on the notification icon and select Disconnect.


Note: all internet traffic is routed via the company network and specific content may be filtered or restricted.


5. You may connect network drives by double-clicking the shortcut on your desktop. This must be run AFTER connecting the VPN:


6. (Optional) If you are the primary user of a desktop computer in your office or care home, you may also connect to this computer remotely and use it as if you were sat in front of it.


Look in the Start Menu (you can type it in the search bar) for Remote Desktop Connection. Enter the computer name of the computer you want to connect to and click Connect. Enter your Windows login credentials to initiate the remote session.



7. When you have finished using your remote desktop, please log off. Do not shut the computer down, or you will not be able to re-connect to it!