Once you've connected you have several tools available to you through the ConnectWise Control window. These are explained below.

The View Menu

  1. Select the 'monitor' icon to show the tools available in the View menu.
  2. This option allows you to separate your monitors (if you have more than one monitor) into separate windows. This allows you to replicate dual-screen setups whilst working remotely.
  3. Choose a lower quality if network conditions create a slow connection.

The Essentials Menu

  1. Select the 'lightning bolt' icon to show the tools available in the Essentials menu.
  2. This option allows you to send Ctrl-Alt-Del to the remote machine. If you press Ctrl-Alt-Del on your laptop/computer, it will take effect on your laptop/computer and NOT the computer you're connecting to. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl-Alt-Home as a shortcut.
  3. If you copy and paste something on your local laptop/computer, you can use this option to paste that text onto the machine you're connecting to. Alternatively, copy and paste will work across the local and remote machine.
  4. Restart your computer quickly by selecting this option. Do NOT select 'To Safe Mode'.
  5. Select this option to prevent anybody present at the remote machine using the mouse and keyboard.
  6. Blackout the remote monitor so nobody can see what you're doing.
  7. Print documents to your local printer from the remote PC.

The File Transfer Menu

  1. Select the arrows to show the tools available in the File Transfer menu.
  2. Use these options to send files to the remote machine. Cut/Paste or drag and drop also work and is easier to use.
  3. Use these options to receive files on your local machine. Cut/Paste or drag and drop also work and is easier to use.