If you have tried sending the bed lists and this has not worked then you can follow the below steps to resolve this issue.

 First go to Home Database Maintenance on Care Homes IMS

Next Select the Maintain Bed List and Pressure Ulcers Email Addresses

This will bring up a screen with a number of email distribution lists for this we are looking at the first one for the bed lists. The below screen shot shows an bed list email address with some common issues you should check for.

The three arrows are pointing at mistakes each of which can stop the bed list from sending.

First we have the Colon which should be a Semi Colon
Next is the space after the email address for Lesley Ensure that there is no spaces between email addresses

Thirdly there is an s missing from the end of the email address.

If you do not spot any of these issues then check that all the email address are for current staff and not for someone who has now left.

You will also need to make sure that you have a printer installed so that IMS can print the Bed list report to a PDF.

If you normally have no issues printing then please be sure to use the desktop shortcut for Terminal Services

Then if the bed list is still not sending please email IT on support@ertosunhouse.com to create a ticket for this issue.