1. Launch the Skype app


2. Press 'Let's go'


3. Press 'Sign in or create'


4. Make sure you select 'Create one!'


5a. Either enter your mobile number (if it hasn't been used to create an account already) and go to step 6 or select 'Use your email address instead'

        Please note, if using an email, you won't be able to use your '@excelcareholdings.com'


5b. Press 'Get a new email address' and enter in an email address that hasn't already been used (e.g. limecourttablet2@outlook.com), please make note of this email.


6. Create a password for the Skype account. It may be worth taking a note of this in case someone accidentally logs out of Skype in the future.


7. Enter a name for the Skype account, something related to the home name (e.g. Lime Court Tablet 2) may make it easier for family's relatives/outside people to find the Skype account.


8. Enter a date of birth. Again, it may be worth taking note of this as a security prompt in the future.


9. If prompted, enter in a mobile number in order to receive a code. If possible, make sure it's a company issued work phone that is often on site.