Please check the System Requirements here to see if your desktop/laptop is supported.

Providing you have been given access to use ConnectWise Control, you can access your work PC from your personal desktop/laptop.

  1. Click here to access to ConnectWise Control website or copy and paste the following link into your browser: 

  1. You should have received an email regarding your ConnectWise Control account. Log in with the temporary password on the email and specify a new password.

  1. When you first log in, you'll need to check your email for an authentication code. You can select the box to 'Trust this device' so you're not asked for the code again.

  1. Once you've logged in, you'll see your assigned computer in the list.

  1. Double-click on the computer in the list to download the ConnectWise Client that you will use to connect to your work PC.

  1. Chrome may stop you installing the software initially. You can simply click on the drop-down next to the 'Discard' option and select 'Keep'.

  1. Click on the downloaded ZIP file and your Mac will unzip it into your Downloads folder. Click 'Open' when it asks you if you're sure you want to open the file. Note that you must log in to the website every time you'd like to connect to your PC and you cannot just double-click on the downloaded file every time.

  1. After the install, you will be presented with your work PC.

A guide on using ConnectWise Control can be found by clicking here. Although the screenshots in the aforementioned guide will differ from the Mac version, they're named the same and perform the same functions.