To start the VPN connection, you will need the “WatchGuard Mobile VPN” client application. The application should already be installed on your computer and there will be an icon on your desktop named "Mobile VPN". If you can’t find the “WatchGuard Mobile VPN” application, please contact IT Support.


Double-click “Mobile VPN” icon on your Desktop. WatchGuard Mobile VPN application starts.

Click Connection toggle and enter your Windows login credentials. Click OK.



If the connection is successful you shall see Connection toggle turn green. Connection established. You are now connected.



There is also a Taskbar icon for VPN client. When not connected – RED icon, when connected – GREEN icon.

VPN is Not Connected

VPN is Connected


To keep the connection active, minimize the VPN client windows. To end the VPN session, click Connection toggle on the VPN client application window.


Note: all internet traffic is routed via the company network and specific content may be filtered or restricted.


You can connect network drives by following this guide.