Your Administrator may have created policies to ensure that emails containing possible junk, spam content or specific attachments are not delivered directly to your Inbox, but are instead held in a quarantine area (or Hold Queue).

Digests are summaries that allow you to view and control emails that have been placed on hold without having to contact your Administrator.

The Digest notification you will receive will look similar to the one below.

Digest Actions

The links in the Digest allow you to ensure that emails which are business related are not missed and can be released to your Inbox.  You can either click on one of the links (discussed below), or ignore the Digest if there are no emails that you are interested in. You can also control your mailbox by ensuring that emails from senders which you would like to receive are allowed through, and those which you do not wish to receive are blocked for future delivery:

Action Email Delivery Future Emails
Release Releases the email from the Hold Queue, and immediately delivers the email to your Inbox Emails from this sender may still be put On Hold in future
Block Removes the email from the Hold Queue Emails from this sender will be immediately Rejected to the Sender by Mimecast in future
Permit Releases the email from the Hold Queue, and immediately delivers the email to your Inbox Emails from this sender (if blocked for spam content) will not be put On Hold, and will immediately be delivered to your Inbox in future

Note: Each email in the list should be actioned individually.  If there are no new emails in your Hold queue, you will not receive a Digest notification. If no action is chosen, you will not be reminded about these particular emails again, and the email will expire from the Hold Queue after a maximum of 14 days.  This email can then be retrieved from your personal email archive.

Digest delivery frequency:
7:00 AM – Daily. If there are no new emails in your Hold queue, you will not receive a Digest notification.