Log in to the Mimecast Personal Portal by following this guide: Logging in to the Mimecast Personal Portal

If you have been assigned delegate mailbox access, you are able to use Mimecast Personal Portal as that user.

  1. Click on your Profile avatar in the top right-hand corner. A list of the delegated accounts you can access is displayed.
  2. Click on the Open button next to the delegate mailbox you want to access. A new browser tab is displayed for the delegate's account.

Once access to a delegate's mailbox is displayed, all the functionality available to your account is available for the delegate's account. This includes the ability to access their:

Inbox and Sent Items folder
Archive folders
Smart Tags
Personal/Moderated On Hold queues
Bounced/rejected message lists
Managed sender lists

Note: When composing a message, it is sent from the delegated user.

To switch back to your profile:
Click on the original browser tab.