
To hold a conference call, follow these simple instructions:

Organising a conference call

Tell your conference call Participants what they need to know.

To participate in a conference call they need to know:

  1. Day and time they should join the call
  2. The Powwownow number you want them to dial in on
  3. Your Participant PIN
Holding a conference call

  1. At the agreed time dial 0203 398 3444.
  2. You will be asked for your PIN and then your name. If you are a chairperson, enter your Chairperson PIN; if you are a Participant, enter your Participant PIN. You can find these on your Powwownow accounts.
  3. When prompted, speak your full name. You will then either join the conference or be put on hold if the conference has not yet started.
Ending the conference call

When you have finished your conference call, simply hang up. When the last person hangs up, the conference call ends.

During a conference, the following control keys are available:

# = SKIP INTRO During the welcome message, pressing # will skip the PIN playback. Pressing # again will skip the name recording and place you on the call. Please note that if you skip name recording when a roll call is played, the name will be played as “Participant N” N being your Participant number, e.g. “Participant 5”.
#6= MUTE Mute and un-mute your handset. This is very useful if you are in a noisy location. Muting means that you can hear the rest of the conference but the other participants cannot hear anything from your handset.
#1= HEAD COUNT Review the number of people on the conference call.
#2= ROLL CALL Replay all names recorded when people arrived on the conference call. All Participants will hear the number of people and the roll call.
#3= LOCK Lock and unlock a conference call. Locking a conference call stops anyone else from joining it, giving Participants peace of mind if sensitive information is being discussed and preventing unnecessary interruptions.

Record the conference. To start the recording, press #8. (You will be asked to confirm this by pressing 1). To stop and save the recording, press #8 again and confirm or just hang up the phone.

Your saved recordings will appear in myPowwownow a few minutes after your call ends, identified by the conference date and time.

Here you can play the recordings, download them to your desktop or publish and share them with whoever you wish.

We'll hold recordings for 60 days, or up to 6 months if published.

##= MUTE ALL Enables the Chairperson to mute/unmute all their Participants. 


Allows the Chairperson to hear who is on the call without Participants hearing.



Allows the Chairperson to hear how many people are on the call without the Participants hearing.

myPowwownow is your personal account area where you can manage your account and conferences. Just visit www.powwownow.co.uk/Login and log in with your registered email address and password. If you have forgotten your password you can reset it here.


Access some of our most useful tools from the dashboard icons. Otherwise, in the navigation bar you will find the following pages:

Account Details

View and update your contact details and reset your password. You will need to contact your Account Administrator in order to change your email address. If you reset your password, this will be the password you need to log in to myPowwownow and to access Powwownow Web for screen-sharing.


View the products you have enabled on your PINs or find out more about other available products.


View your PINs, edit call settings, request welcome packs or view usage (refer to ‘Call History’).

Call Settings

Edit the call settings for your PIN’s and choose from the following preferences:

  • Voice prompt language: change the language for the prompts and instructions heard by callers on your conference call.
  • On-hold music: listen to and change your hold music to suit your mood!
  • Entry and exit announcements: Select if you want announcements to occur on entry or exit to the call – or both.
  • Announcement type: Do you want to hear the person’s name or just a beep?
  • Play participant count on entry: Will play a Participant count of the people who are already on the conference when entering the conference.
  • Chairperson present: Choose if you need to be present to hold conferences with this PIN set:
    • Optional:  The conference can start without a Chairperson and can continue after the Chairperson hangs up.
    • Throughout: The conference will not start until the Chairperson joins and will be terminated when the Chairperson hangs up.
    • Start: The conference will not start until the Chairperson joins.

If a Participant arrives on the conference before the Chairperson and ‘Throughout’ or ‘Start’ has been selected, they will be put on hold and then introduced to the conference one at a time as soon as the Chairperson has joined.

  • Chairperson control only: By selecting “YES”, only the Chairperson has access to the in-conference controls (excluding ‘Private Mute’ which is available to all Participants).
  • Description: Add a description here if you want to add a reference to this PIN set (eg, Monday meeting, Birmingham, Finance, etc…).
  • Cost code: This is the description the Administrator of your account has given to this PIN set, which is displayed on the invoices for Landline and Freephone numbers.

Dial-in Numbers

View a list of all the dial-in numbers available to you and your call participants. To print your full list of numbers, click the ‘PRINT FULL LIST’ button at the bottom of your dial-in numbers table.

Low-call rate Shared Cost numbers are automatically enabled on your account; to use Pay As You Go Freephone and Landline numbers they must be enabled on your account by your Account Administrator.  There must enough available credit on your account for you and your Participants to join a conference call using a Freephone or Landline numbers.

Conference Tools

  • Schedule a call
    • Email details: In a hurry? Click on 'email details' and an email will appear pre-populated with the details you need to share with your Participants.
    • Plugin for Outlook: If you use Microsoft Outlook, download the plugin to schedule conferences using your Outlook calendar and contacts (only PC).
    • Scheduler tool: Use this tool if you use an alternative email client.
  • Web Conferencing: Download Powwownow Web, the screen-sharing tool which allows you to share the content of your desktop with your conference call Participants online.
    • Recordings: Listen, download and share your saved conference call recordings.
    • To download an MP3 file to save to your computer click the  button.
    • To publish and/or share your recordings click the  button and give your recording a name. Tick the "Publish online" checkbox and enter a "Publish until" date. You can also choose to password-protect the recording. Once you “Save”, the system will automatically issue you with a unique link that you can send on to your Participants to allow them to access your recording.
    • You can choose to unpublish the recording by clicking the  button again and unticking the "Publish online" box before clicking "Save" once again.
  • Call History: You can generate usage reports as far back as 1 month, where the Report Level can be Summary by Service (top line: Date, No. of callers and minutes), Summary by Dial in (adds the called number and country), or Detail, which includes PINs used and duration of each call. You can also filter the reports by Called No, Dial-in Country, Caller’s Number and PIN/PIN description or Cost code.

This is the available credit you have on your account; shown in the top right-hand corner of each page in your myPowwownow account.

To start a conference call there must be more than £5.00 of available credit on your account. If your balance is showing less than £5.00 you need to contact your Account Administrator to top-up your account. If you need to make a conference call instantly use the Low-call rate  Shared Cost numbers displayed in your dial-in numbers list.

How it Works
Here you can find information about how to conference call, along with some handy tips for first-time conference callers.