Our company extranet can be accessed by double-clicking this icon on your desktop:

You will also find that it will be the first page displayed when opening Internet Explorer (it is your homepage).

From here you have a range of options; the three main ones include:

Terminal Services to connect to our remote database server (see below)

Ablyss CMS to access the Ablyss Careplan system (where available)

E-learning Portal to access E-learning training facility supported by AimsPerform.

Other options include access to Sharepoint, our Support Suite, Outlook Web Access, and various useful links to websites the company uses.

When accessing Remote Databases you will be shown a security notice. Please select the screen size to use and then click the green Connect button.

You will then be presented with a Remote Desktop Connection window. Click Connect again.

Next is a logon prompt. Please enter your username and password and press Return or click OK.

Once connected to the remote server you will see many icons on the desktop. A similar icon for Ablyss will be presented when using that remote server.

  For support for each database, please contact the person responsible for supporting that database. A list of who supports what is found on the Desktop of the server.

 For E-learning, please speak to the Training Department.